Friday, October 30, 2009


Behold Jacob's "chewy". It clips onto his shirt so that he has something to chew on all the time, which has decreased the overall destruction in our home significantly. Ty's been eyeing it for a few days now, wondering why it was so great that Jacob never goes anywhere without it. Today he decided to find out. And Jacob being the loving big brother that he is, decided to share the joy. I found them sitting together chewing away contentedly.


  1. that's hilarious... ba ha ha. I love your kids.

  2. That's great - and what a cute smile from Jacob in that bottom pic. Although, I'm a bit worried about Benjamin. How's he going to make it through a UT winter if he needs to where a ski cap and coat in NM?

  3. Jacob is such a good natured kid! And that is such a cute picture! I am with Katie: Benjamin is in for a shock of what cold is! Course, I haven't seen how cold the "Q" really gets either!
    Cute bottom pic of Jacob!

  4. Do they have those chewies for grandpas and grandmas too?

  5. Thanks for sharing the pics. It's great to see the 3 boys so content. BTW, did you know there used to be a good TV show called "My Three Sons" ?

  6. Your boys have such beautiful blue eyes. It really shows in these pictures.
