Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Angel Hair

From Angel Hair

I just have to share these pictures of my darling baby! He is such a sweet boy, and it pains me and excites me to see him growing so fast. He's babbling up a storm now (to my great relief) and has started standing independently for short periods of time. He LOVES going outside more than anything. This his love of the great outdoors almost gave me a heart attack this morning, actually. I took the boys for a run, and when we got home, we were in a rush to get Benjamin off to school. After that I changed Jacob's diaper and made Ty's bottle. Towards the latter end of the change, I started getting nervous because I couldn't hear Ty. (All moms know that is usually a bad sign.) I thought he was probably unrolling the toilet paper roll in the bathroom (another favorite), and when I took his bottle to find him, I was horrified to see the front door standing open. Apparently, Benjamin hadn't closed it all the way. I threw the bottle and went sprinting out with my heart in my throat, but fortunately, my little escaped Tiger is a curious fellow and had probably stopped to taste every rock and bug he encountered. I recaptured him at the turn in our sidewalk, but it took a good while for my heart rate to return to normal.

Other of Ty's passions include getting into the dishwasher and the refridgerator.
From Angel Hair


  1. Oh, I miss that little guy! His hair is great, isn't it? It has some unique natural curly hair around the crown of his head that these pictures don't show...growing the opposite direction than it should. I wonder if that will stay when Christa cuts it! Ty loves to chase Jacob around and do what he is doing, and Jacob likes to try to pull Ty's hair (usually not too successfully as it is so whispy fine!)

  2. What a cute kid. It's hard to keep an eye on one kid, let alone three, with two that need extra attention.

    I see a lot of his Grandpa Dastrup in him in these pictures.

  3. You're right Chad...I can see Max in him. Scary Christa.

  4. I think he is getting cuter with those chunky cheeks.

    Holy cow..my heart would skip a beat too!

  5. I forgot to mention that I am sure you were scared out of your wits for the rest of the day. We have all had those way scarey moments. But, I know you're a great mom, and I know you will be following Benjamin to the door to chain it from here on out. Those are the experiences that nightmares are made of!! Glad all is well!

  6. This escape artist is quite a trick to diaper! We're grateful for the warning about the front door! Mom Dastrup

  7. I guess this blog is dead eh? http://babyboynumberthree.blogspot.com/
