Monday, October 12, 2009

A First!

How many parents cry when their kid brings home a birthday party invitation from school? I realize that I may be in the minority, but I just couldn't help it! Jacob got invited to his first birthday party ever by one of the kids in his class. I've always been worried that Jacob would go through his entire childhood without ever being invited to a birthday party, so it was such a sweet thing for me to find that invitation in his backpack! The sad thing is that the party will be at this place that has a ton of blow-up bouncy-castle things in it, and Jacob is mortally afraid of them at this stage of his life. He falls apart if we even start going near one! So he won't be attending the party, but I will sleep easier just knowing that he was invited!


  1. I sometimes forget how you must feel being the mother to such a special kid. Oh, I am always aware you are extra busy because of Jacob but I don't often think of the hopes and fears you have for him. I often think of Jacobs life ahead and worry for him as he goes to school and interacts with other kids...I just don't think about the fact that you parents and his 3 other grandparents probably go through similar thought processes. It's a shame he can't go to the party. I hope he gets invited to more. Being one of the kids in his class he would probably enjoy being around those kids in a fun, party setting.

  2. Maybe some day he'll out-grow his fear of bouncy-castle blow-up things like he out-grew his fear of big crowds and new places (as in your "Better and Better" post).
