Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ty Turns One!

Wow--it's official: my baby is one! Where has the time gone? Ty is such a bundle of joy that it has gone entirely too quickly! He is my fearless, adventurous, outdoorsy, fun-loving, toddler.

We just had a little family party for him after church today. He didn't get the joy of opening presents, but that is just as well, because I doubt that we could have contained Jacob anyway. So Jacob opened the gifts, and Ty loved and enjoyed all of them-- even the box of Life (Ty's favorite cereal) that Benjamin gave to him. He carried that box around for a long time, shaking it and bringing it to me to get some. We couldn't get him to be interested in anything else for a long time! One year olds are just great! I took a lot of video and some pictures with Brigham's iPhone, but since he isn't here right now, I'll just post what I took with our camera and add some more later.

Happy birthday, Ty! We love you!


  1. Ah, that's such a cute story about the Life Cereal. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute boys. Jacob looks like a littl hillbilly with one side of his overalls undone. I guess "Yea yea" means he likes the present. I thought he and Jacob might like that airplane. I was actually trying to find something like the little Folkswagons you kids used to ride when I came across this thing and it had so man positive reviews that it sounded like just the thing for Ty. Thanks for sharing!

  3. cute toy. good one gramps. Fun to see all 3 boys having fun together.
    Once again, well done on the cake. You put my cakes to SHAME!

  4. I love it! Does he do much talking yet? And yes, I am greatful that I don't have to keep up with you on decorating cakes anymore. I like simplicity more the older I get! But that is a great little cake! I'm glad he likes his its probably just a push the floor with your feet to get it to go, eh? Does it steer?

  5. Great cake! Great gift from Grandma and grandpa Groneman. Beautiful birthday boy! Thanks for the post!

  6. So very cute! That did go by way too fast.

  7. What a fun party! Someone in your family makes the most adorable birthday cakes!
