Sunday, July 4, 2010

Settling In

I have been chastised for not blogging much in the last couple of months. There just always seems to be something more pressing to do-- laundry(currently there are 4 clean batches getting wrinkled up in the laundry basket), weeds to pull, bathrooms to clean (FOUR of them!), etc. This new home is wonderful, but it does require a lot more work, so the blog falls by the wayside. Here is a quick recap of what's been going on.

First of all, we've been loving having family around and have been doing many fun things with both sides. There have been cousin parties, a trip to the zoo with Uncle Brett and Aunt Katie, Thanksgiving Point farm, Wheeler Farm, the highland splash park, and many other get-togethers with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. It's been awesome.

Benjamin loves playing with his cousins as often as possible, and he has made a couple of friends in the neighborhood, though he is still too shy to go ask if they can play. He has been reading up a storm and will be starting swimming lessons on Tuesday (wish him luck-- he's been nervous around water all of his life!).

Jacob has started his summer school program and seems to enjoy it from what we can tell. He's started becoming more vocal in the last couple of weeks and is experimenting with sounds such as "na na na". It's very exciting for me to hear his voice, even if he isn't saying words. I pray that maybe this will encourage him to become more verbal!

Ty is still a crazy kid who has no sense of his own mortality. He's almost constantly putting himself in danger-- running down slides, dancing on the table or his high chair, running in front of swings, etc. He's started becoming more verbal, too. He loves calling to me, "Mama!" and when I answer he says "Okay." Then we repeat that exchange about 50 times in a row. He also asks, "Where is it?" and "-K go? (Where did my milk go?)" He LOVES to draw and will tell on himself for drawing somewhere he shouldn't by saying, "Uh-oh!" when he does it. He never walks anywhere-- his little legs always move as fast as they can. He's completely adorable!

Brigham and I went down to Albuquerque one last time last weekend for Brigham's graduation and his last shift as a resident. His graduation was a very kicked-back affair, but it was good to be there and say goodbye to our friends and Brigham's collegues. Brigham has worked several shifts at his new job and was pleased to find that his fear of not having as many patients couldn't be less founded. His shifts are crazy busy, but he is learning the ropes and figuring the new system out.

Although we are not completely unpacked yet, this beautiful house is starting to feel like home to me. Life is good!


  1. If the Dastrup side of the family is enjoying your being in Utah as much as the Groneman side is (and I'm sure they are), you're making a lot of people happy. Those boys are adorable and it's still hard to believe you're less than 30 minutes up the road. It was good to see both you and Brigham smiling and laughing yesterday. You've been through some crazy schedules that would have driven me to the nut farm. I'm glad you're feeling at home.

  2. Good JOB POSTING! (yes, I was one of the main ones harassing her!) Good little synopsis, and it is Great having you closer to do stuff with! So glad you are settling permanently in!

  3. Wishing I was one of those living close to you!
