Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh, Glorious Day!

Ty turned 18 months old yesterday-- a huge milestone in every LDS family. No longer am I condemned to walk the halls every Sunday with a restless toddler who can think of nothing greater in life than pushing the button on the water fountain and trying to slurp water off of the drain (I know-- so gross!).

As suspected, Ty had no problem with going to nursery. The minute he saw the cars and trucks he raced away without a backward glance. Brigham sat next to a man who'd spent the first hour in nursery, and after mentioning that our son was there, the man said, "Is your last name Dastrup? Oh, yes! Your son seems to know how cute he is and that he can get away with just about anything! He's a troublemaker!" Hmmm...


  1. I'm glad he survived the window well!

    I can join in your rejoicings about nursery. Church is once more a positive experience!

  2. I don't know if this is a good thing or not! If you start actually getting something out of church, Ty may never get that baby brother!

    J/k! I am glad you will both be having a better experience on Sundays. But what I want to know is if that was Ty's first day in the nursery, why would that guy make that comment?

    He IS cute and charming though!

  3. 2 months later and we're STILL trying to adapt our daughter to nursery. Consider yourself blessed--troublemaker or not! :)
